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tv   [untitled]    November 24, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST

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very well. kyra is locked in another day of protest over the president's dictator like gravel call that's being described as a coup. spain's got the lumia preparatory key of regional vote which could potentially force a referendum on independence from central government. how much says there's no deal to stop the smuggling of weapons into gaza as shaky truce with israel holds a despite a small right existence. you're watching r.t. live from moscow with me to bomb with say good to have you with us egypt's capital
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is experiencing is second straight day of clashes between opponents and supporters of president mohamed morsi and a regime protesters say they have no intention of leaving to heed a for at least a week having announced a message in at the symbolic square people flooded the streets across the country angry at the president's decision to grant himself new powers put him above other branches of government the opposition compared the move to a coup while the latest comments again from egypt's top judges who called it an unprecedented attack on the country's judiciary the demonstrations quickly turned violent as protesters clashed with security forces and progress to vist journalist ahmed fourteen believes the opposition's concerns over the future of democracy in egypt have solid ground. what have mohammad morsi done mobarak in the height of his power could not even dream of achieving morsi is part of the muslim brotherhood and islam or fascist group they have control over their members and their supporters it
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is very simple in a country with more than forty five percent of its population are illiterate to control them in the name of religion junctions are now seeing clearly they have replaced the military fascist style regime of hosni mubarak into the religious fascist regime of mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood egyptians have undertaken a revolution back in january twentieth levon calling for three simple things bread freedom and social justice neither of these three. calls demands that they have called for and their revolution have been achieved the state of the egyptian of qana me is in shambles this state of freedoms it's been marginalized people wanted to establish a democracy they wanted to establish solid to human rights they wanted to
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have social justice applied not to turn it from the military to the religious fascism. more pictures of the brawls and skirmishes that have ripped through the streets of egypt's biggest cities as well as expert commands on the crisis of a label on a website. the people of spain's minds prosperous than may's tex region will choose a new parliament on sunday their choice could ultimately decide whether catalonia l. will remain a part of spain or go it alone after being stricken by the financial demands of central government artie's andrew farmer has a story. there's a wind of separatism blowing through europe at the moment and it's reached the northeastern shores of spain catalonia is the latest region to officially our spring independence is something people here have long felt in their hearts but now they're feeling it in their pockets too. i think is a good idea being that ban them from. a country. which
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is. really really bad situation is a bargain for. it's a bargain for the good for the cats and i'm flags can be seen hanging from balconies throughout barcelona reflecting a growing desire for home rule under a drive to break away from the central government in madrid this weekend's local election is being fought on that issue alone catalan president after mass has made it the centerpiece of his campaign this convergence union party to hold an independence referendum if they win and say a free catalonia would be a cure all for the region's economic problems that have seen unemployment top twenty five percent the economic context in europe and in the south of europe has been a catalyzer of. the. movement we can see in the sense of people including the
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believe that with our own resources human capital economic resources we could be better off if not being in the spanish estate this is a reality that a lot of economic research has show many cattle and find it a persuasive argument it's one of spain's wealthiest regions producing a fifth of the country's economic output but it pays around sixteen billion euros a year more in taxes than it gets back in madrid which has in turn insisted public services into austerity cuts. this is not fair i mean we are the ones who're. doing our best in mccormick reasons we cannot have all the weight of this measure and the central government for us is the one who is spending the most and not in the best way last september barcelona witnessed one of the largest separatist rallies here since the nineteen seventies over one and a half million catalans took to the streets to call for independence but the path
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to becoming a new european state is far from smooth the proposed referendum is against the spanish constitution what's more withdrawing from spain could also force this region to drop out of the european union those against separatism believe it could do more harm than good. separatism for catalonia would be an economic disaster multi-national companies located in barcelona for access to the spanish working and being in the e.u. that would be lost which more even of separatism does not happen just talking about it creates uncertainty and that is the last thing the economy needs during this current crisis. with poll suggesting aftermaths will win reelection barcelona and madrid look set for a few showdown the president this spanish military association colonel leopoldo sanchez has even suggested it might lead to another civil war political parties dismissed that as extreme rhetoric but the remaining cattle lands in hope this
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weekend will mark the first step towards the break up of spain. andrew farmer r.t. catalonia. pallor of forney the founder of the brussels base a think tank at these c.i. p.-i foundation says the mistakes by spain that central government put little money is future in question. but a large majority of the people together like to be banned from speed. never. wanted to be in their feet after the century an exhibition of speed because a lot. of the economic situation here is now of course very very touchy and difficult because. i had to ask. the central government i'm going to release two months ago over one billion euros this happens because of the very bad management of mismanagement of the central government in the leaders not of the local bands
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and that the triggered this deficit situation got a little bit of nice anyway he. does through the area. that he was the only one that so can eventually the rights of the rest of europe of course the government you shouldn't as you were mentioning he does have a lot of course authorities i'm. not the outcome is quite unpredictable but i would say that whatever is the outcome of the hand the relationship between salute them and read would be a strain and the risk given to become violent. and you can find out more about the catalonian move mentor for independence on our website of the timeline of the protests and in-depth analysis of spain's economic troubles are waiting for you. also while you are on line of the mass murderer responsible for the deaths of seventy seven people brands is pristine condition as inhumane find out what anders
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breivik is complaining about set out teeth dot com. from us has dismissed immediate claims that the flow of smuggled weapons to gaza is under threat and has evolved you keep arming itself it says reports that egypt and the u.s. are teaming up to stop arms coming through the sinai. fabrication this comes on day three of the shaky trees with tell of the youth which is largely holding despite several outbreaks of violence one palestinian civilian was killed and one thousand wounded by israeli gunfire on the border after gaz this trespassed on the buffer zone sporadic clashes followed with several incidents also taking place in the west bank meanwhile hamas is hailing the ceasefire as a victory and some analysts say the militants have every right to celebrate. the israeli side i think netanyahu and his government have lost and or or i would
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pretty much put them in the category of short term losers in this use fire if you just the whole thing sure that clearly how israel has no long term strategy in dealing with the power. of the guards and hamas by clinging so. hard to this of course your resistance of course. verging on. to be honest with you just before the. attacks were. popular it was pretty much it and now it's coming back again to the scene and. preventing. a ground invasion. pretty much defending at least that's what the public you know those things. really and my colleague kevin when interviewed a spokesman from the israeli prime minister's office. the government lost popular
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opinion over the outcome of the conflict we saw small called us surgical israeli bombings killed dozens of gazan civilians. you know definitely there are many people in israel the thing the prime minister should. get more and more get more of this operation go on ground operation because these people don't believe but hamas will really stop firing rockets and fortunately unfortunately people in israel cannot believe that the international community can . pressure and enforce the cease fire and that's why people are so kind of frustrated the prime minister started that peroration and i'd like to ask you about that so while you're on the line an interested party course in all this looking on some officials there said that israel is showing weakness by letting a mass of the hook how concerned are you with terrans reaction well first of all i don't think israel was weak israel did while it is needed to stop
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the rockets we did you know very surgical attacks on terrorists and even now with the very surgical attacks and terrorists we don't want to use force more than we need and that in every every case just let us live in peace we will not use force believe me there were dozens of civilians in garza killed including thirty seven children will anyone in your government or military be held accountable for those deaths you think differently and we really really sorry for these deaths but you should know that hamas terrorists are behind civilians they fire rockets from schools they hide their rockets in hospitals they use apartments of people in order to fire rockets on our civilians you know when we hurt civilians we really regret that but i must get our civilians they see victory in hurting civilians when we do that unfortunately we're really sorry and we see failure there and believe me if we
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do want the civilians will not be heard we call upon civilians and we are. every time before every strike we call a foreign surveillance so be around and lucky enough to lead the terrorists use the civilians and then nobody will hurt and that's good we do what we want we want to target and hurt only but also fire rockets on the. the four story system is undermined by consul in the u.k. and as we reported later on also laurentiis removed three kids from their foster family branding the parents of politically unfit to look after ethnic children plus . i'd have a day after black friday exactly you love it yeah it's a great time of year to go shopping and travel people. are resident asked the people of new york how they feel about the long awaited start to the holiday season this and much more coming your way for the shop rate.
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which is slow often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first. for him it's a daily routine that you saw office of course on the island of a horn at the heart of by call his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and she's horses were there sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes big bites as well it's part of my everyday life. i
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holmes been home to a brat local just laugh for centuries most still live off the land but you can't. and fish. is right coal is often called the pearl of siberia corn is said to be the pearl of by call it's all end of think forests. and vast stops. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and fuel seekers you're quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about it or even run in water for most people tend is there on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. in journey to buy coal can be unique trip of
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a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it they'll be coming back again and again. this is artsy good to have you with us three children have been removed from the air force to parents in britain because of the political views of the couple leading to public anger the console branded them on stage for fostering because they are supporters of the u.k. independence party and we're looking after ethnic children early as opposed to our t. is party boy about the confusion and control of a c. so round in this case. this by all accounts is a family with an exemplary fostering record they've been fostering kids for the last twelve years and why is that membership of a political party
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a very mainstream political party should now a fact that it's unclear but it's the fact that this local council received this they say that they are members of this party and that's the reason why the children were taken away so a lot of people very angry about that in the u.k. at the moment if you think about it in one way it's kind of like it defeats the point if a couple once. lost a multi-cultural children and then you have a government to say well we don't want that how is that working it's a very very strange shabby as i said a lot of people saying that this is a clear case of political correctness gone very wrong once again in britain with kids that need to be cared for taken away from a very good loving home because of these political views that are very mainstream by the latest polls are something like nine percent of the u.k. supports the u.k. yes they euro skeptic yes. they want immigration to be cub but
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it's very peculiar indeed what's the rest of the general public saying about these i mean should we now expect all foster families to undergo scrutiny of political views if they're thinking well of adopting kids. well the short answer is no. foster family should not undergo any sort of scrutiny about their political views there's lots of children that need to be fostered and these people do a very brave a very. courageous thing and the fact is that it's just a move has ruffled the feathers not of just. supporters of you can't but of people that campaign for fostering because they say that it's a very bad move that's going to put a lot of prospective foster parents that want to do a very good thing. off potentially fostering more kids that really need to be re home so it's a very sensitive issue and as i said ruffled the feathers of
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a lot of people. to some other world news now police in thailand who used tear gas to disperse the first the major protests against the current government around ten thousand poured into the streets and a group of demonstrators were tear gassed when they tried to break through a police barricade the protesters accuse the prime minister of an empty monarchy stance and corruption the prime minister's sixteen month old government is on high alert and says it could call in the army supportive of the situation gets out of control. the remains of leader palestinian leader yasser arafat will be exuberant shoes day his sudden death in two thousand and four led some palestinians to claim he was poisoned by israel something television denies investigation into his death was renewed earlier this year after traces of deadly radioactive polonium were found in arafat's clothing samples will be examined by experts from russia switzerland and france. but these eighteen people have been killed by
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a gas explosion inside a coal mine in southwestern china many miners are now trapped underground with rescue teams trying to reach them incidents like this remain common in the country with almost two thousand mine workers killed last year alone. at least seven people including four children are dead after a blast hit a sharp recession in pakistan's northwest the area is considered a stronghold of al qaeda linked sunni militants that have stepped up sick terrier texturing a major shia holiday this month dozens have already been killed in violence in the last week. tolerance towards immigrants is something norway or doctors centuries ago tens of thousands of people displaced by wars in their countries have found their way to the welcoming land of the vikings however some modern migrants are being accused of taking the new home for granted as maria for national reports.
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tolerance is no is well known trademark maybe even to well known thirteen percent of the country's five million population a remembrance but it seems it may be suffering from its own hospitality i learned this week the year was like every day which would seem to support the optimistic see the start of the space immigrant community population for years has been home to a large number of outsiders who believe in peace and many locals try to fix it so decided it's not enough a while ago a radical islamic group demanded to make its independence from the city and the sharia law territory to feel literally. in a letter sent to some of the country's politicians and journalists and known extremists have threatened to carry out and nine eleven in no way if their demands are not met. it's really something. to be taken seriously but this is not the first death threat coming from noways
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muslim community in this we do know a pakistani born in mom preaches those not praying should be brought to prison for those not fasting during ramadan decapitated is it possible to kill him in the river yeah no problem all weapon is made to kill we hear concerns over how some immigrants bring part of their cultures to norway from the head of the country's hunting union. our or something of course in this there were pending for muslims who seem to have more interest. in nature and helping attending courses is one of the two legal ways in no way to get a personal weapons license if you don't respect the rigid rules and you want to live the way we live in norway and then you can go back to your country opposition party member he himself came to know we as
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a. dickel refugee in the late eighty's he says the ruling labor party is importing voters immigrants are indeed him on the party's strongest supporters but the prize is high how can you integrate minority when the minority actually the majority in a society who is going to learn from. such rhetoric is too familiar to every norwegian the homegrown terrorist killed seventy seven here last summer protesting against the takeover of muslim immigrants also one towards one of those on that island last july his comrades and friends were killed right in front of his very eyes he says he survived to fight for what brave it tried to destroy the most important lesson is that we've never paid. ground values for ground. it's a fight in the fight for democracy or. justice it's something that we need to focus
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on despite concern for the threat to kill made by some immigrants may be a real noways unlikely to give up its dollar and small toe in fact it's quite the opposite for many the only response to brave immigrants motivated massacre is seen immigrants embraced more than ever before. r t no way. the turkey dinners had barely been digested this week before most americans turned their attention from thanksgiving to buying friday's become one of the country's biggest shopping days of the year is new york resident has been there to see what people actually think of the retail hysteria. the holidays have arrived in the united states but instead of talking about family and religion americans seem only to be talking about shopping why is that this week let's talk about that do you think that americans are aware of the irony of having
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a crazy frenzied shopping day the day after we give thanks for what we already have best day of the year which one thanksgiving or black friday the day after black friday exactly you love it yeah it's a great time of year to go shopping and trample people. the world's ending anyway twenty two well that calendar is all going to end so we don't have to worry about fixing our consumerism we don't have to worry about shopping nothing do you think it's an american thing or do you think it's a worldwide thing. i think americans are probably worse that or do you think americans are a little too obsessed with shopping for the holidays no i think it's great it's wonderful fun it's great to get out but it's spending money and stuff you don't necessarily mean that is how the holidays are about what's makes the economy go round is that the most important thing you know we're having from a scrape are people obsessed with shopping where you're from well yes because we know the whole reason why we come here so we can show so we are obsessed and we count wife it's from our what does it say about us as
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a society as humanity that we're so obsessed with consumerism. i think it's very pretty sad why do you think americans are so crazy about shopping during the holidays. i've no idea media you guys. tell everyone to buy spectacular and so they do with an economy in the tank a climate in shift and a world at war it might behoove us off to focus less on consuming and more on what's really important this holiday season. my show if you'll be back with breaking the set stay with us. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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is easy to. see. wealthy british style. is not on the title of.
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markets why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on. the fire. here's mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans
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call a dollar. concludes the longest and while this campaign in our history colors of the left world that makes for a magical before our eyes that some are going to tell you next time with twists and turns in the hallmarks of this campaign what you want. to do because you've never seen anything like this time so. what's up i'm abby martin now if you watch my show on wednesday and you saw my response to an article written on alger miner dot com just yesterday another article was written by the same lacan out in your foreign titled russia today continues its anti israel propaganda going even further than arab t.v. the article states that my comments ranged from wild exaggeration.


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